Goggio Chair

The Emilio Goggio Chair | Current Goggio Chair | Past Goggio Chairs | Emilio Goggio Visiting Professors | Application for Conference Support

The Emilio Goggio Chair in Italian Studies was established in the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Toronto in 1995 with funds donated by members of the Goggio family resident in the United States to honour the memory of their parents: their father Emilio, who served as Chair of the Department of Italian and Spanish of the University of Toronto from 1946 to 1956, and their mother Emma. The fund was matched by the University and slightly augmented by a grant from the Italian government.

The endowment covers two areas: first, it is intended to support research in Italian studies through the invitation of a distinguished Visiting Professor to teach and/or lecture in the Department each year, sponsorship of one annual public lecture to be given in English and to be known as the Emilio Goggio Annual Lecture, and also funding for occasional conferences and some publications.

The Goggio Chair supports other initiatives as well. Two of Professor Goggio’s special interests were the Renaissance and Italian Canadian studies and these are the focus of many of the activities sponsored by the Goggio Chair.

The Goggio Chair supports our undergraduate program in Italian Canadian studies and sponsors the publication of our Departmental newsletter. Through the Goggio Chair, the University of Toronto Press has launched a Goggio Publication Series.  The following volumes have been published:

Umberto Eco, Experiences in Translation, 2000
Giuseppe Mazzotta, The Renaissance Experiment, 2001
Giulio Lepschy, Mother Tongues & Other Reflections on the Italian Language, 2002
Millicent Marcus, Italian Film in the Shadows of Auschwitz, 2007

Part of the endowment by the Goggio family has also been directed towards The Emilio Goggio Italian Studies Collection. This fund is used to build on the approximately 40,000 titles found in the Italian collection in the Robarts Library of the University of Toronto. The John P. Robarts Library is Canada’s leading research university library and the Italian collection it houses is among the largest and most comprehensive in North America, ranking just after those of Harvard and Yale. One of its outstanding features is the holdings on the Renaissance. The Goggio fund serves to enhance this and other important areas of strength of the collection.

Current Emilio Goggio Chair:

Prof. Nicholas Terpstra (2019 – )

Past Emilio Goggio Chairs

Prof. Salvatore Bancheri (2011-2019)
Prof. Domenico Pietropaolo (2002-2011)
Prof. Olga Pugliese (1997-2002)
Prof. Massimo Ciavolella (1995-1997)

Emilio Goggio Visiting Professors

2019-2020 Mattias Heinz, Universität Salzburg
2019-2020 Pasquale Sabbatino, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
2018-2019 Andrea Manganaro, Università degli Studi di Catania
2018-2019 Angela Dalle Vacche, Georgia Institute of Technology
2017-2018 Johannes Bartuschat, University of Zurich
2017-2018 Anna Migliarisi, Acadia University
2016-2017 Justin Steinberg, University of Chicago
2015-2016 Renzo Bragantini, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
2015-2016 Massimo Vedovelli, Università per Stranieri di Siena
2014-2015 Stefania Lucamante, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
2013-2014 Matteo Palumbo, Università di Napoli, “Federico II”
2013-2014 Lucia Re, University of California, Los Angeles
2012-2013 Nicoletta Maraschio, Università di Firenze and Accademia della Crusca
2012-2013 Paul Colilli, Laurentian University
2011-2012 Carla Marcato, Università di Udine
2011-2012 Elisabetta Menetti, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
2011-2012 Francesco Bruni, Università di Venezia
2010-2011 Rita Librandi, Università di Napoli Orientale
2008-2009 Carla Marcato, Università di Udine
2007-2008 Gino Tellini, Università degli Studi di Firenze
2006-2007 Ruggero Pierantoni, Academia di Belle Arti, Urbino, CNR
2005-2006 Romano Luperini, Università di Siena
2004-2005 Cesare Molinari, Università degli Studi di Firenze
2003-2004 Pier Giorgio Di Cicco, Poet and Independent Scholar
2002-2003 Millicent Marcus, University of Pennsylvania
2001-2002 Luca Codignola, Università di Genova
2000-2001 Giulio Lepschy, Universities of Reading and London
1999-2000 Giuseppe Mazzotta, Yale University
1998-1999 Umberto Eco, Università di Bologna
1997-1998 Remo Bodei, Università di Pisa

Applications for Conference Support

Applications for conference support should be submitted to the current Goggio Chair and should include (i) a detailed description of the conference or the conference program itself, (ii) a budget, (iii) a copy of the call for papers, and (iv) a statement on student participation.