Italian Undergraduate Student Cultural Association (IUSCA) | University of Toronto Italian Canadian Association (UTICA)
Italian Undergraduate Student Cultural Association (IUSCA)
Maintain and promote Italian cultural appreciation for the undergraduate students of the University of Toronto; in the spirit of academics, upholding ties to our history while working toward our futures.
To establish, maintain and further ties to Italian culture within the undergraduate student body in the spirit of broadening academic horizons and opportunities; through closer ties to the Italian Studies faculty as well as to the Italian cultural organizations both local and international. While focus will be given to those enrolled in the Italian Studies department at U of T, entry will be open to anyone who expresses interest in the academic aspects of Italian culture regardless of background and familiarity with said aspects.
We hope to create a cohesive and functional organism which can link students to diverse cultural and academic opportunities while promoting social interactions amongst its members and bringing them closer to the faculty.
University of Toronto Italian Canadian Association (UTICA)
UTICA, established in 1946 as the University of Toronto Italian Club, is an organization run by students who wish to promote Italian culture not only at the university level, but in the community as a whole. Each year the club embarks upon a full calendar of events of both a cultural and social nature. Some of the highlights of the UTICA calendar of events include: dances held with other students’ organizations of the University of Toronto and York University, Italian Culture Week, a charity fashion show, a year-end semi-formal dinner/dance and, the cultural cornerstone event of the academic year, an Italian theatrical production.
UTICA always welcomes new members. The Association invites individuals not just of Italian origin but of any cultural background to participate in the celebration of Italian and Italian Canadian culture. In appreciation for joining the club, members receive a welcoming gift and discounts to all the club’s events.
The UTICA office is based at St. Michael’s College in Brennan Lounge (81 St. Mary St. P.O. Box 2, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1J4). Please come out and join one of the most active and dynamic clubs on the U of T campus.